Health, Housing and Adult Social Care Scrutiny Committee

9 October 2024


Report of the Corporate Director of Adult Social Care and Integration


Adult Social Care Strategy



1.           This paper provides an update on the work towards the co-design of the Adult Social Care Strategy and intended further work. This includes the development of a ‘strategy on a page’ document that reflects the vision, commitment, approach and priorities that the adult social care directorate is working towards. The paper also sets out how we intend to use this as a means to produce and agree a final codesigned strategy.

2.           Members of the committee are asked to offer their input to the draft strategy and the co-design process as it develops.


3.           In developing the strategy, Adult Social Care are taking the approach that it should be based on an understanding of best practice in the sector; and drafted with opportunities for input from the whole department, the council, wider partnerships, and the care sector and that in its evolution it is developed by a wide range of stakeholders.

4.           The strategy sets out our vision, the commitments that come from this and our approach to delivery, recognising that our greatest assets to help achieve this are our workforce, people and communities in York.

5.           The Improvement Team within the department has continued to work with the National Development Team for Improvement (NDTi) and from the draft strategy produced the strategy on a page which provides a concise document around which further codesign is taking place (Annex 1).

6.           The significant updates contained within the strategy on a page from the previous version of the strategy are the inclusion of a set of priorities that reflect the current ambitions and challenges of the directorate and the strengthening of co-production which is now embedded in the document through the commitments, approach and priorities as the golden thread in the strategy.

7.           Building on the work within the department, council and its wider partnerships and the key collaboration of staff across the directorate, a draft of the strategy on the page is now appearing for discussion amongst key stakeholders and partnerships and this informal feedback is being collated.

8.           The Adult Social Care Improvement team alongside NDTi have now developed a planned co-design process which, through the involvement of staff, citizens and people with lived experience and partners, will enable the full development and completion of the strategy.


9.           The plan at Annex 2 sets out the key activities that are being undertaken over an 8-week period to reach a final agreed strategy, this includes, engagement with people and organisations, the analysis of feedback and contributions, the review and redevelopment of the strategy, the presentation of updates and changes and the agreement and adoption of the final strategy.


10.        The process of codesign is intended to get the best possible contributions to the strategy to make sure that those who are responsible for its delivery or relying on the outcomes agree with the priorities and approach. Through the codesign process we our intention is to get the most useful challenge and input into the strategy.


11.        This codesign plan has gone live from week commencing 23/09/2024, and due to end week commencing 11 November. However, it is designed to be flexible in order to ensure we capture and consider all necessary views.




12.        This paper sets above out the process for engaging with citizens, people with lived experience, stakeholders and staff.



13.        The committee are asked to support the development of the Adult Social Care Strategy through the following opportunities:


a.              Option 1: Members of the committee are included in the codesign process and receive an update following the completion of the codesign exercise prior to the final completion of strategy.


b.              Option 2: Members of the committee are included in the codesign process and receive the Adult Social Care Strategy once this has been completed.


Reason:   To keep the Committee updated on the development of the Adult Social Care Strategy.




14.        Option 1 enables the committee to continue to contribute to the strategy through the process and will enable a further discussion based on the analysis of a wide range of contributing stakeholders prior to the completion of the strategy.


15.        Option 2 enables the committee to continue to contribute through the codesign process to the final strategy.



Council Plan


16.        The Strategy supports the delivery of the wider Council Plan commitments of a healthier, fairer, more affordable, more sustainable and more accessible city where everyone feels valued. It sets out our ambition that people in York who have care and support needs should have the best possible quality of life, with the opportunity to make choices and engage with those things that are most important to them and make their lives worthwhile.



17.        Relevant implications will be identified for the committee during the ongoing development of the strategy. The recommendation below is intended to support this process.


·        Financial Relevant implications will be identified for the committee during the ongoing development of the strategy.

·        Human Resources (HR) Relevant implications will be identified for the committee during the ongoing development of the strategy.

·        Equalities Relevant implications will be identified for the committee during the ongoing development of the strategy.

·        Legal - when adopting the strategy this will be an Executive Function and it needs to be added to the Forward Plan. Any other relevant implications will be identified for the committee during the ongoing development of the strategy.

·        Crime and Disorder Relevant implications will be identified for the committee during the ongoing development of the strategy.

·        Information Technology (IT) Relevant implications will be identified for the committee during the ongoing development of the strategy.

·        Property Relevant implications will be identified for the committee during the ongoing development of the strategy.

·        Other Relevant implications will be identified for the committee during the ongoing development of the strategy.


Risk Management


18.        The development of the Adult Social Strategy better enables the council’s approach to securing better outcomes and improving the quality of life for its citizens, managing resources well, meeting its statutory duties and providing assurance to the regulator.



19.        Option 1 is recommended:

i.     That members of the committee are included in the codesign process and receive an update following the completion of the codesign exercise prior to the final completion of strategy.

Reason: To enable the committee to continue to contribute to the strategy through the process and enable a further discussion based on the analysis of a wide range of contributing stakeholders prior to the completion of the strategy.


Contact Details





Michael Melvin

Director Safeguarding Adults


Chief Officer Responsible for the report:


Sara Storey

Corporate Director of Adult Social Care and Integration




Report Approved










Wards Affected:  List wards or tick box to indicate all





For further information please contact the author of the report




Annex 1: Adult Social Care Strategy on a Page

Annex 2: High Level Codesign Plan



NDTi – National Development Team for Improvement